Verdens største regionale organisation til at skifte til bosættelser i nationale valutaer

A China-led regional organization that covers more than half of Eurasia intends to transition to settlements in the currencies of its members. While the plan is to abandon the U.S. dollar in mutual payments, participating nations are yet to consider a

Amerikanske lovgivere indfører lovforslag, der tillader kryptoinvesteringer i 401(k) Pensionsordninger

Several U.S. lawmakers have introduced the Retirement Savings Modernization Act to provide 401(k) retirement savers access to a wide range of investments, including crypto assets. “With inflation at record highs, a stock market downturn, and a potential recession on the horizon,…

Republikken Irland forbyder politiske donationer af kryptovaluta

Den irske regering forbereder sig på at forbyde politiske partier at acceptere kampagnedonationer i kryptovaluta. Tiltaget har til formål at blokere den formodede trussel om russisk indblanding i den europæiske nation’s valg på baggrund af et sammenstød mellem Vesten…

Afblanding af Wasabi Coinjoin-transaktioner: Et dybt dyk ind i Chainalysis' deanonymiserende påstande

World Cup, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

Indiens centralbank RBI diskuterer digital valuta og CBDC-lancering med minimal indvirkning på pengepolitikken

Indien’s centralbank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), siger en grundlæggende centralbanks digital valuta (CBDC) model skal vedtages indledningsvis og testes grundigt for at minimere indvirkningen på landet’s pengepolitik og banksystem. The Indian apex bank

Indiens Swadeshi Jagran Manch opfordrer til et direkte forbud mod kryptovaluta

The Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), an affiliate of the nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has reportedly passed a resolution demanding a ban on cryptocurrency in India. “Disobeying the ban should make person/entity liable to financial penalty,” the resolution states. Swadeshi Jagran Manch

nigerianske eksperter: CBDC er stadig uattraktivt for brugere på trods af påstanden om 'fremragende' adoptionsrate

Nigerian blockchain and cryptocurrency experts have suggested that many prospective users will only consider adopting the e-naira once the central bank has done enough to make the CBDC (centralbanks digital valuta) an attractive option to use. E-Naira Still Unattractive to

Indian Payments Giant Paytm kunne tilbyde Bitcoin-tjenester, hvis regeringen gør krypto lovlig, Siger finansdirektør

Paytm, one of Indias largest payments companies, is open to offering bitcoin services if the crypto asset becomes legal in the country, according to its chief financial officer. If bitcoinwas ever to become fully legal in the country, then clearly

Den hinduistiske paramilitære gruppe opfordrer den indiske regering til at regulere kryptovalutaer

Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has called on the Indian government to regulate cryptocurrencies. “The government has to ensure that it is regulated in the larger interest of the society,” the group reportedly said. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Calls for

Lokale virksomheder i New York opfordrer guvernøren til at indføre et statsdækkende Bitcoin-minemoratorium

The governor of New York state, Kathy Hochul, has been urged by a group of local companies to deny business permits to bitcoin miners. The letter specifically asks for thedenial of permits for the Greenidge Generating Station and the Fortistar